Faster Tests With factory_grabber
I use factories instead of fixtures when testing. If you haven’t already discovered factories, check out this Railscast: Factories not Fixtures.
I use factories instead of fixtures when testing. If you haven’t already discovered factories, check out this Railscast: Factories not Fixtures.
As far as programming languages go, CSS is the least fun to write. Without variables, mixins or mathematical operations, it can be very time-consuming to write CSS and a nightmare to make changes.
Metaprogramming in a nutshell is writing code that writes code. Here’s a really simple example:
Ryan Bates recently released a Railscast on Dynamic Page Caching. This technique caches each page and then updates the page’s dynamic content using Javascript.
For Mac users, TextMate is powerful tool for writing code. But having a great tool is pretty pointless unless you know how to use it. By spending a few hours learning about TextMate’s features you can almost half the time it takes you to write code. This tutorial will walk...